If there is a meeting of the BJP, Muslims ought to be there
If there is a meeting of the BJP, Muslims ought to be there, albeit not through their physical presence but through presence in the form of issues built around their community. As soon as the signal was issued by the RSS headquarters, it was pre-decided that during these three days, more was to be said about Muslims (one side of it), than has ever been said before.
Needless to point out, Muslim appeasement was top on agenda. The Congress was blamed for trying to count their presence in the armed forces. Jehadi terrorism and national integrity were hot topics and Congress was labelled to be the party that was favouring the Muslims (our cover story will tell you how far they are correct).
As leader after leader vied with each other to surpass each other in attacking the Muslims, it was evident that the dictate had come from the RSS headquarters and these leaders were merely trying to score points. Not just Atalji, Advani Ji, Rajnath ji but also the likes of Arun ji, Sushma ji and others spoke. After all, the venue was Saraswati Shishu Mandir, run by an RSS affiliate organization and the mob too had come courtesy RSS, who all wanted to listen to this and nothing else.
If there is a meeting of the BJP, Muslims ought to be there, albeit not through their physical presence but through presence in the form of issues built around their community. As soon as the signal was issued by the RSS headquarters, it was pre-decided that during these three days, more was to be said about Muslims (one side of it), than has ever been said before.
Needless to point out, Muslim appeasement was top on agenda. The Congress was blamed for trying to count their presence in the armed forces. Jehadi terrorism and national integrity were hot topics and Congress was labelled to be the party that was favouring the Muslims (our cover story will tell you how far they are correct).
As leader after leader vied with each other to surpass each other in attacking the Muslims, it was evident that the dictate had come from the RSS headquarters and these leaders were merely trying to score points. Not just Atalji, Advani Ji, Rajnath ji but also the likes of Arun ji, Sushma ji and others spoke. After all, the venue was Saraswati Shishu Mandir, run by an RSS affiliate organization and the mob too had come courtesy RSS, who all wanted to listen to this and nothing else.
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